beautiful day

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer...summer...summer time!!

Wow wow wow!! It's summer time already and my little baby is 3 months old already! I can't believe it. Where has the time gone!? We have been so busy the past few weeks and with the business of life Josiah has been adjusting well... trying to get him on some sort of schedule is kinda hard with how much we are out of the house. He is sleeping about 5 to 6 hours through the night which is good, but naps during the day are hard. He just wants Momma to hold him. I don't mind though because he is only going to be little for so long. We are thinking about moving him from his cradle to his crib this weekend and I am super nervous about it. I think he will do fine, but I won't do well.

In the past few weeks some of the fun things that we have been able to do are, go to our dear friend Roxi and Zach's wedding, went to Disneyland a few times, celebrated father's day, attended a few BB Q's and we even got to swim for the first time this summer. Swimming with the baby was super fun!! He loved it and I really enjoyed having him in the water sling.

We are looking forward to this 4th of July weekend and the next few weeks coming up! We will be super busy but we will be having lots of fun!! I will post some fun pictures later this weekend!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Momma's little birdy!

He was a little bored getting his pictures taken haha

In the little egg!! So precious!
Josiah didn't enjoy being in this position, but it made for such a cute picture!

Back at it

So it has been a really long time since I last blogged. Life has been a little crazy- but in a good way! Since I last put out a blurb, we have had our beautiful son Josiah! He was born on March 21,2011! We love him a whole lot!

He is getting so big already! Its pretty amazing how quickly they grow! We have taken him to Mammoth, Sea World and Disneyland already. He slept through most of it, but we were able to take pictures. We will be taking him to all those places when he gets older too!
We have a whole lot going on this summer! It is so amazing that even with the baby, we are staying just as busy as we did before we had him.

Stay in touch as I continue to post things about my little family and our crazy life. I won't promise to blog a lot, because with the little one it makes it hard, but when I can I will update the blog! :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Classic Collage 3x5 folded card
Unique party invitations and announcements by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Love Fall

October is wonderful and I love it. I love pumpkins and I love pumpkin lattes! I am desperately wanting the weather to cool down so it can feel like fall. In the next few days I am going to go to Oak Glen... hopefully snowline =) and I will be going to the pumpkin patch for the first time ever. I hope to pick out a beautiful pumpkin that I can carve! My house is all decorated with Halloween stuff... the cute kind, nothing scary. I love it. Another thing I love about fall are the colors. They are so warm and welcoming. Oh fall... you make my heart happy =) This fall I started a new tradition, watch a Christmas movie every day until Christmas is here and I plan to be done with all my Christmas gifts by November... mid November. I am doing pretty good so far. I am making them all this year so I needed to get them started real early. I am proud of myself. I will now be doing that every year. Also, my Christmas decorations get to go up pretty early. November 1st. The hubby does not understand that one, but he does not mind. Fall decor went up early so why can't the Christmas stuff get put up early. There is nothing wrong with that! Well my dear readers, I will write again real soon. I am going to be better about posting more because I have time and I can! Ta ta for now!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

God's Timing

Have you ever just felt like your timing and God's timing are always just a little off? I have been feeling that A LOT lately. I know I am not alone in this, and I KNOW that God's timing is always right. I just can not seeme to get my mind around some of the current things that He has brought into my life. I won't explain them, for that would take far too long. I will just mention that the Lord is stretching me in ways He never has before. Thank you Lord for doing that. All the things He has brought into my life the past few months have brought up so many emotions and feelings. All I can do or say is it is all a huge blessing. I feel so honored that the Lord is blessing me and yet at the same time I feel so undeserving. He is so faithful and I am so doubtful. He is so trustworthy and I lack trust in Him. He is so understanding and all I can do is ask why? He knows the big picture and all I can do is think of today, right now. He is so calming and I forsake to know He is there. He is in complete control and I let myself spiral out of control. WOAH!!! Can I just say God is so good and He is good all the time. I am so thankful for all the lessons He has been teaching me and I look forward to growth that will come from His lessons =)

thanks for reading <3